There are so many free or paid image and HD photo banks on the Internet, that it is easy to get lost among so many different options; especially because details such as copyrights or printing quality have to be taken into account.
Free print-quality images
In this post we present the best websites with HD photos for commercial use and high quality to add to a print job. The 5 free image banks that we present to you are licensed under the “Creative Commons Zero” license.
When an image has a “CC0” license it means that the photograph is completely free to use either personally or commercially. As its name suggests, no attribution or mention of the author is required to use that image and it can be modified and distributed as much as you want.
HD photos on Pexels
This image bank contains very high quality photos and they are usually already edited so it is as easy as downloading them and adding them to the file for printing. The advantage of using Pexels is that every day you can find 10 new HD photos, plus it uses tags so you can search for photos very easily.
HD images on Life Of Pix
On Life Of Pix you have the possibility to view images by galleries and also by their tags. Every week new HD pictures are added and it also has a free video bank. On this site you can see the author of each photograph, so if you like the style of a particular photographer you can search all the images he has shared.
HD Photos on StockSnap is a fantastic repository of free HD images, with the particularity that each and every one of them is distributed under the generous Creative Commons CC0. The “trending” section featuring the most popular images is quite interesting.
HD images on Unsplash
On this website you will find 10 new images every 10 days, it has a search section and the pictures are tagged, so it is easy to search for specific topics. In Unsplash you can sign up for a user account, but it’s not necessary to download the photos; in addition, in this HD photo bank the image authors are also specified. Just keep in mind that most of the photos are landscapes, but if that is what you are looking for then this is the ideal image bank for you.
HD images on Pixabay
On Pixabay you will find high quality images as well as videos, and even vectors. It also uses tags and a search engine as the previously mentioned websites, but when downloading it will ask you to create a user account if you want the image in its highest quality; all HD photos are uploaded by users so if you want to look for more images of a particular photographer is as easy as going to their profile.
HD photos on Freeimages
The Freeimages website is a large free image bank that uses tags and classifies the images by categories. To download the photos you need to create a user account and each photo is uploaded by its photographer. The only drawback of this site is that not all HD photos are free, there is a premium section where you need to pay to download the photos.
HD images on
On you can download hundreds of HD photos (3500 x 2318 px size) for free, to use them in your projects, commercial or not, and without the need of attribution. The only condition for using them is that they must not be resold (a logical condition on the other hand) and/or that they must not be added to other free image galleries on the web. This site’s usability is great, in two clicks you will have in your computer any image you have chosen to download.
HD photos on Gratisography
If you are bored of finding the same stock images everywhere, Gratisography is for you. Created from the beginning with the intention of presenting “peculiar” and different images, we can say that its creators have accomplished their purpose, but we’ll let you decide what the “peculiarity” of each image is. As in the previous case, these are free HD photos, so you can use them in your personal and commercial projects.
All in all, you can now find high quality images that you can use in your magazine or book and not worry about licensing or price.
Are you still hungry for more? We invite you to visit this article with more Free HD Image Banks.